Sweater weather has us thinking about artists working in unexpected ways with fabric, needle and thread. These aren't your grandma's quilts...
1. Rachel Mica Weiss - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

3. Suchitra Mattai - Denver, Colorado

5. Mychaelyn Michalec - Dayton, Ohio

6. Hayley Sheldon - West Palm Beach, Florida

7. Gio Swaby - Toronto, Ontario Canada
8. Ami Park - New York City, New York/Korea

9. Vanessa Barragão - Porto, Portugal

10. Klaas Rommelaere - Antwerp, Belgium

11. Christopher Martin - San Francisco, California

12. Maggy Hiltner - Red Lodge, Montana

13. Paulo Arao - Brooklyn, New York/Phillipines
14. Christina Forrer - Los Angeles, California/Germany

15. Heather Jones - Dayton, Ohio
